Sunday, May 23, 2010

Graduation Parties

It is May...which means graduation time. A wide variety of academia are ending their courses earning grades reflective of their efforts and comprehension of subject matter. If you passed the class, most aspiring assets to civilization are congratulated with a graduation party.

I have a sister in Michigan who lives for parties. She is throwing her 5th grader, soon to be 6th grader, a doozy of a party. Recently, the family enjoyed a ten day trip to Jamaica. They had their hair braided, the kids sipped virgin daiquiris, deep sea fished, played in the waves, i.e., your typical ocean vacation to Jamaica. The kids had such a fun time that her son wished Jamaica as his graduation party theme.

Corinne, my sister, ordered destination tickets for the invitations. Below are a couple of sites to order such ticket invites:
And this one is clever for admission tickets, i.e., movies-gala events-etc.

Remember...your party's tone is set with the invitation; make it a good one!!! A little thought and creativity equates to a fabulous turn out!

Since this is an elementary school graduation party, there will young children abound. Bright colors, happy music, festive foods, cool drinks, and plenty of games to play and keep all entertained.

With the Jamaica theme, bright colors are easy to execute. Let's say 100 children are invited. We will need 13 round tops that seat 8. The Jamaican colors are green, black, and gold. Alternate your tables in Black and Green table cloths and allow gold, black, and green balloons weighted down for centerpieces. Utilizing 2 8' buffet tables with either black or green table cloths for buffet. Add an additional 8' buffet table with matching table cloth for bar (soda, water, punch).

The Buffet:

Red Stripe Chicken
Multiply this recipe by 20.

1/4 cup vegetable oil
3 pounds chicken
2 cups canned coconut milk/cream
1 cup Red Stripe beer
1 Large onion (chopped)
1 large green bell pepper
Salt and pepper


1. Cut the chicken into serving pieces
2. De-seed green bell pepper and chop onion
3. Heat vegetable oil in Dutch pot
4. Brown the chicken in oil (both sides)
5. Remove the chicken
6. Pour off some of the oil.
7. Leave 2 tablespoons of oil in pot
8. Return the chicken to pot
9. Add the coconut milk and red strip beer
10. Once ingredients begin to boil,reduce to heat to a simmer
11. Cook for 30 minutes
12. Add onion and bell pepper
13. Add salt and pepper to taste
14. Let simmer for 15-20 minutes as the liquid reduces and thickens.
15. If the liquid evaporates before the chicken is done replenish more Red Stripe beer.
16. Serve while hot

8 to 10 lbs hamburger
4 pkgs of 8 hamburger buns
3 pkgs of american cheese
Only because, not everyone is going to dig the special Jamaican fare.

Cabbage Salad
Multiply this recipe by 10

1 Green cabbage
4 medium Carrot
6 Stalks Celery
1 Cucumber
1/2 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup Vinegar
1/2 Cup Oil
1 Cup boiling water


1. Slice cabbage into thin strips
2. Slice carrot into thin slices
3. Slice celery in to thin strips and cut at an angle
4. Slice cucumber into thin strips
5. Place all ingredients in to a container
6. Pour the boiling water in the container
7. Cover the container for 20 minutes
8. Drain the liquid
9. Serve at room temperature

Cornmeal Fritters
"Simple Jamaican Cooking with Winsome"
Multiply this recipe by 10

1/2 cup cornmeal
1/2 cup flour
1 tsp baking powder
Salt to taste
3 tablespoons sugar
1 egg, beaten
1 cup milk
2 tbsp margarine
Few drops vanilla
Oil for frying


1. Sieve salt, flour and baking powder in a bowl.
2. Add cornmeal and sugar.
3. Put in beaten egg, vanilla and milk by degrees, after rubbing the margarine into the flour mixture.
4. Beat until smooth.
5. Drop by spoonfuls in frying pan and fry in hot fat.
6. Drain on absorbent paper before serving.

Set out huge baskets of potato chips and pretzels.

Add a fruit salad and a potato or macaroni salad.

Lastly, the most coveted dessert in Jamaica:

Bread Pudding

Published Feb 28, 2009

Bread Pudding
Serves 6 to 8
Multiply this dish by 13


1 lb day-old white bread (preferable hardo bread)
1/4 cup melted butter
1/2 cup sugar
3/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1/4 tsp ground nutmeg
1/4 cup rum
1/3 cup raisins
1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
4 cups whole milk
5 eggs (beaten well)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
Grease a 9-inch square baking dish with butter.
Line the baking dish with wax paper
Remove the crust from the bread
Break up the bread into small portions.
Combine the bread, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, rum, raisins, and melted butter in a mixing bowl.
Pour into the baking dish.
Mix the condensed milk, eggs and whole milk
Pour this over the bread mixture in the baking dish.
Place in oven
Bake for 1 1/4 hours. You can test if it is baked by inserting a small knife in the middle until it comes out clean.
Serve warm or cool.
Best served with Ice cream or whipped cream.

For entertainment, hire a calypso band or a dj who will bring Jamaican sounds.

You can offer a photo montage of your child behind the stage where the band or dj will be playing.

This with a positive attitude and hired hands to clean up and assist with incidentals, will make for a fantastic graduation party...

Jamaican Saying: Di fus wata hog pass him wash himself
'Make use of the opportunities that come your way first'

'Ya Man'

Party Success

Our going away gathering was a success! It was low key but filled with stories, laughter, and great attitudes. I loved it! We had somewhat of an eclectic crowd which offered great opportunities for different conversation, perspectives, and beliefs.

The weather was fabulous with a little wind, but c'est la vie. The guests of honor brought over a ton of meat marinated in a Korean secret marinade...they cooked on the grill and offered everyone a hearty portion for tasting. We served stereotypical hot dogs and hamburgers...salads galore, baked beans, and plenty of drinks. Another friend brought her take on potato salad. This recipe entailed fresh peppers, onions, and, of course, potatoes. Her salad was a consistency correlated with mashed rather than traditional cubed potatoes. It was a hit and a wonderful conversational piece.

For dessert, we had chocolate brownies and Kunafa. Again, my beautiful Egyptian friend who brought her personalized potato salad also brought the Kunafa! Huge hit!

* 1 lb kunafa pastry (found at Arabic or Mediterranean groceries)
* 1⁄2 lb Unsalted butter, melted
* Syrup:
* 1 1⁄4 c Sugar
* 1⁄2 c water
* 1 T Lemon juice
* 1 T Orange blossom water
* Cream filling:
* 4 T Ground rice
* 2 T Sugar
* 2 1⁄2 c Milk
* 1⁄2 c Heavy Cream
* Walnut or pistachio filling:
* 2 c walnuts or pistachios, chopped
* 2 1⁄2 T Sugar

Cooking Kunafa

1. Prepare the syrup by combining all ingredients and heating over medium heat.
2. Let simmer until thickened.
3. Stir in orange blossom water and refrigerate at least 1 hour.
4. Cream filling: Mix ground rice and sugar to a smooth paste with 1/2 cup milk.
5. Boil the rest of the milk and add the ground rice paste little by little stirring continuously.
6. Simmer until thick.
7. Let cool, add cream and mix well.
8. Walnut or pistachio filling: Mix the chopped nuts with sugar.
9. Put the kunafa pastry in a large bowl and pull apart to separate the strands as much as possible.
10. Pour melted butter over them and work it in thoroughly.
11. Put half of the pastry in a large, deep oven dish.
12. Spread either filling over it evenly.
13. Cover with the remaining pastry and flattening out with the palm of your hand.
14. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes then increase temperature to 475 degrees for an additional 10-15 minutes longer until it is golden.
15. Remove from the oven and immediately pour the cold syrup over the hot kunafa.
16. Serve warm or cold.

Our neighbors will soon embark on a new chapter in their lives heading for Virginia. We, as a neighborhood, rallied and bid them a fond farewell encompassed with great hopes for a wonderful future. With today's technology, I believe it will be easy for everyone to stay in touch and alleviate the pain of having to say good bye. The kids will be able to sustain their friendships via facebook and other social forums. We live in an amazing world!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Bon Voyage Party

In today's economy, it is not surprising to see people packing up and moving away seeking better opportunities. We, as a nation, have endured great hardships with multitudes of lay-offs, downsizing, facility closures, in short, great job losses. With that being the case, many of us are having to bid our friends and neighbors farewell and wishing them great success, happiness, and job security. What better way to say au revoir than to host a bon voyage party.

Keep it simple!

For this party, we are saying farewell to a family who is military. They will be moving to Virginia from Denver. They have two children who are in elementary and junior high. Many changes will be faced and many farewells will be exchanged.

I have decided to invite our immediate neighbors, those who know the family and have assisted each other while shoveling snow, community projects, or offering a spare egg or cup of sugar.

The count will be 30 people. We will send evites with a military motif.
We decided to have a barbecue. Chicken, hamburgers, and hot dogs will be grilled. Baked beans, potato salad, leafy green salad, and fruit salad will accompany.

For hors d'oeuvres, we will have an assortment of cheeses, dips, vegetable trays, etc..all types of foods that both parents and children enjoy.

Beer, wine, and cocktails will be offered for the guests. Bottled water, sparkling water, and juice boxes will be offered for the kids.

Dessert will consist of a table filled with brownies and cookies. Coffee will be served for adults.

The theme is "farewell". It is essential that when orchestrating the gathering, everyone knows the premise for the party. Upon entry into our home, we will have a big poster with the kids' picture of which everyone will sign. This is a little keepsake for the kids who are moving to keep and reflect. The picture is of everyone playing outside draping arms around each other.

For the adults, we decided to offer a gift certificate to home depot for whatever organizational needs they will purchase upon their arrival to their new home.

The party will begin with a toast to the family wishing them a safe passage and encouragements to keep in touch. This followed by dinner, games for the children, a social, dessert, and a quiet close to a nice gathering.

It is not necessary to change. Survival is not mandatory. ~W. Edwards Deming
When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves. ~Victor Frankl

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Spa Party

Well, the year has begun and continues to thrust forward party after party. Winter holidays followed by Valentine's Day, St.Patrick's Day, Easter, Passover, Cinco de Mayo, and Mother's Day....With this being the case, I suggest a spa party.

Mother's Day is a day of celebrating Mom. We think of pampering and let's be kind to ourselves with a delicious luncheon, spa remedies for soothing our souls and skin, and the opportunity to engage in light conversation and laughter with our friends.

Many of us suffer from headaches. If you are like me, you attempt a bit of a relaxation regime and then race to the medicine cabinet and down two or three ibuprofen. We encounter many types of headaches and there is a reason for their cause and a holistic remedy to alleviate the pain.

Cluster Headache:
Piercing, burning pain which occurs on one side of the head and always the same place. The cluster headache is nicknamed the suicide headache due to its extreme pain. Unfortunately, the cause of this type of headache is truly unknown but suggested to be related to the occipital nerve.

Combination Headache: Dull and dispiriting pain which commonly begins in the morning and reoccurs between migraine attacks. Unfortunately, this type of headache's cause is unknown.

Pain is usually on one side of the head only. Migraines are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and interrupted vision. The causes for migraines originate from hereditary factors or circulatory interference in the brain.

Simple Headache:
Banging, buzzing, throbbing pain in the head. The causes for the simple headache range from stress, sensitivity to changes in atmospheric pressure, high blood pressure, fever caused by virus, or lack of oxygen.

Tension Headache:
A dull pain in the temples. The tension headache begins at the back of the head and neck or in the middle of your forehead spreading throughout the head. The usual causes of tension headaches is due to muscular tension and/or poor posture.

To alleviate headache pain, cold compresses, relaxation techniques, baths, and acupressure all assist in ridding ourselves of pain.

1.Using your thumb and index finger, press against the bridge of your nose at the corners of your eyes.
2.For three seconds, stretch your face with an over exaggerated facial expression...stretching eyes, eyebrows, opening mouth as large as it will open...hold for 3 seconds.
3.Rub the center of the webbing area between your index finger and this area and massage.

Using essential oils, run a warm bath and add 3 drops of chamomile, 3 drops of lavender, 3 drops of rosemary and an emulsifier like honey. Soak and relax.

Manicures and Pedicures:
Most of us have all experienced a mani/pedi by venturing out to our local nail salon, sitting in a massaging chair, sipping water/tea, leafing through the latest smut mag and enjoying having someone other than ourselves execute the process of exfoliating and smoothing.

In between our weekly or bi-weekly visits, we can do some at home maintenance. One tip is to utilize olive oil for strengthening our nails and softening our hands and feet. Prior to bed, warm olive oil and pour into a tub for feet and bowl for hands. Add lemon juice to the olive oil. Soak your hands and feet for approximately three to five minutes. Remove from oil, pat dry with clean dry towel, and place into soft cloth gloves and socks overnight. In the morning, your skin will feel silky smooth and over a period of repetitious therapy, your nails will better resist breakage and chipping.

How to give yourself a pedicure:
1.Thoroughly remove any nail polish.

2.In Epsom salt or other foot soak remedy and warm water, soak feet for ten to fifteen minutes. Remove and pat dry. Coat cuticles with a cuticle remover solution or cuticle conditioner.

3.Using a toenail clipper, clip toenails straight across preventing ingrown toenails.

4.Using a rigid emory board, file toenails establishing a smooth edge.

5.Using a cuticle pusher (can be found at any beauty supply store or drug store),push back cuticles.

6.Using an exfoliating scrub, exfoliate all of the dead skin cells up to your knees massaging your calves and feet thoroughly. Use a pumice stone for the more roughened areas on the bottom of your heels. Rinse thoroughly, drain water, and pat dry skin.

7.Using a non-perfumed lotion, massage in cream giving yourself a massage and ensuring the cream has completely been absorbed into your skin.

8.Using either pedicure sandals or cotton, separate your toes.

9.Paint base coat from one toe to the next and then repeat. Allow to dry for three to five minutes then apply a clear top coat. The top coat will provide a high polished sheen and sustain your efforts for a week or so.

As we age, we all begin to notice the signs. Wrinkles develop, skin begins to sag, and our hearts begin to race with anxiety. Some preventative remedies are imperative to instill into our daily regime. One of these remedies would be to begin facial exercises. For more on this topic:

We all have different skin types: Oily skin, combination skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, and normal skin. I will offer a few facial recipes for each skin type:

Oily skin:
Cucumber Yogurt Facial
Clean and peel one cucumber. Put half of it in a food processor or blender. Add about 1 tablespoon of plain yogurt. Blend the mixture until smooth.
Apply the cucumber yogurt mask to your entire face, avoiding the eye area. Leave on for ten to fifteen minutes, then remove mask with lukewarm water.

Apple and Honey Facial
Honey is a natural astringent that will also help to tighten your oily skin.
Add one apple (peeled, seeded, and cut into slices) into a blender or food processor. Add three tablespoons of honey. Blend the mixture well. Apply to face and leave on for ten to fifteen minutes. Then, rinse with warm water.

Combination skin:
Clay Facial
Diane Irons, the author of several beauty books, swears cat litter is made of the same ingredients as special clays found in very expensive spa facials. Try will be amazed!
1 bag cat litter (must be marked '100 Percent Natural Clay')
Drops of your favorite essential oil

Mix in a couple tablespoons of the cat litter with water and drops of essential oils.
Apply mask to face and let sit for fifteen minutes. Thoroughly rinse and pat dry.

Oatmeal Facial
Mix one egg and 1/2 cup cooked instant oatmeal and a teaspoon olive oil until smooth. Spread on your face and leave fifteen minutes. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry.

Dry Skin:
Banana Yogurt Facial
The yogurt will not only hydrate and soften your dry skin, it will also exfoliate your skin, removing dead skin cells.
Peel one banana placing half of it in a bowl. Mash the banana with a fork. Add four tablespoons of plain yogurt to the banana and stir the mixture until smooth. Apply to your face and leave on for ten to fifteen, then rinse off with warm water and pat dry.

Avocado and Honey Facial
Avocados and honey are particularly moisturizing. This mask is great for mature, wrinkled and dry skin. It's best to use a ripe, fresh, organic avocado. Mash into a creamy pulp.
1/2 avocado
1/4 cup honey

A classic recipe for dry skin. Mash the avocado in a bowl, then stir in honey.
Apply to skin and leave for fifteen minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and pat dry. Apply a cool wash cloth to close the pores.

Sensitive Skin:
Honey and Almond Scrub:
Mix 1 tablespoon honey with 2 tablespoons finely ground almonds. Add 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice. Rub gently onto face. Rinse off with warm water and pat dry.

Rose clay:
1 Tablespoon rose clay, 1 to 2 Tablespoons avocado oil, 1 drop rose oil, and 1 drop chamomile oil. Using a little bit of warm water, mix together to form a smooth clay. Apply to face and leave on for approximately fifteen minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat dry.

Normal Skin:
Apple juice and Egg white mask
Take an egg white, 1 teaspoon apple juice, and 2 teaspoon vegetable oil. Blend all ingredients thoroughly. Apply mixture to your face and allow to set for fifteen minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and pat dry.

Oatmeal and Egg white mask
Take 1 egg white, 1 teaspoon olive oil, and 1/2 cup cooked instant oatmeal. Blend ingredients together forming a smooth paste. Apply mask and let set for fifteen minutes. Rinse thoroughly with warm water and pat dry.

Now for our luncheon:
Make it simple. Think of detoxification and green for a healthier body.

Serve iced water with lemon slices or mix up a few iced water pitchers with a variety of fruit slices floating to add some citrus zest, i.e, oranges, limes, and lemons.

Serve iced or hot teas. Place a pot of hot tea for two people to share. With such a vast variety of teas available and accessible, select green tea, white tea, black tea, and a couple of herbal infusions to choose from.

Serve tea sandwiches, scones, and muffins along with a fruit and cheese platter.

You can end your luncheon with champagne and strawberries.

Take a deep breath, exhale, and know that you have just pampered your body and skin. Sharing this experience with friends pampered your soul!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Romantic Dinner

With all of this talk about weddings, showers, celebrations for couples, I thought it would be nice to talk about a Romantic Dinner. How do these couples become couples? Having been married for 15 years, I can assure you the ROMANCE's sizzle has diminished to a tragic drizzle. We all need a boost to rekindle the spark. Some of us are just beginning to embark on the dating scene...regardless of our situation, we all would enjoy a romantic dinner; something special and intimate.

One of the most memorable romantic dinners I had ever offered to my husband was fireside at an intimate table for two. Everything was served on our finest china and crystal stemware. I set the table with an ivory table cloth, white flowers, and soft glowing candles in clear glass votives.

Because the idea behind a romantic dinner is all about perfection, it is a more detailed dinner than that for a larger party.

Skewers of Melon, Jamón, and Mini Mozzarella
Serves 2


1/3 C. extra virgin olive oil
1/3 C. fresh basil leaves (packed)
1 shallot, coarsely chopped
1/2 tsp. salt
freshly ground pepper, to taste

1 small honeydew or other melon
6 balls of mini mozzarella (water-packed)
6 slices of Spanish jamón or Italian prosciutto
Wooden skewers

1. To make dressing, combine olive oil, basil leaves, shallot, and salt in a blender or food processor. Pulse in blender until ingredients are finely chopped and combined. Add pepper to taste.

2. Peel and seed melon and cut into several wedges. Cut each small wedge in half to make large chunks.

3. Cut your 6 jamón (or prosciutto) slices in half lengthwise.

4. To assemble skewers, place one piece of melon, followed by one piece of jamón (fold several times into a fanned piece before skewering), one mozzarella ball, another piece of "fanned" jamón, and a last piece of melon. Repeat until you've used up your mozzarella and jamón. Depending on its size, you may not use all of your melon.

5. Place your skewers on a platter and drizzle dressing over. Serve immediately.

Main course:

Nothing says romance better than pasta. Italian scenes are always depicting lovers enjoying each other's company while savoring tomato sauce and noodles.

Serves 2

1/4 cup olive oil
2 ounces shitake or oyster mushrooms, sliced
1 cup Alfredo Sauce (recipe)
1/2 cup frozen peas
3 ounces prosciutto, thinly sliced and julienned
10 ounces fresh meat tortellini
1/2 cup grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
2 tablespoons finely diced red bell peppers
2 tomato roses, made from fresh tomatoes


In a small saute pan, heat the olive oil over medium high heat and saute the mushrooms until light brown. Set aside.

In a large saute pan heat the Alfredo Sauce over low heat. When hot, add the mushrooms, peas and prosciutto. Keep warm.

In a large pan, bring water to a boil and add the meat tortellini; cook until al dente, strain, add to the sauce and toss well. Divide the tortellini into two serving bowls; sprinkle first with cheese and then with diced red pepper. Garnish with tomato roses and serve.

Note: To make tomatoe roses, use a sharp paring knife to cut off the tomato skin in a long ribbon. Roll up the long piece of tomato skin into the shape of a rose.

Roquefort Pear Salad
Serves 2


1/3 head leaf lettuce, torn into bite-size pieces
1 pears - peeled, cored and chopped
1-1/2 ounces Roquefort cheese, crumbled
1/3 avocado - peeled, pitted, and diced
2 tablespoons and 2 teaspoons thinly sliced green onions
1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon white sugar
2 tablespoons and 2 teaspoons pecans
1 tablespoon and 2-1/4 teaspoons olive oil
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
1/2 teaspoon white sugar
1/2 teaspoon prepared mustard
1/3 clove garlic, chopped
1/8 teaspoon salt
fresh ground black pepper to taste

1. In a skillet over medium heat, stir 1 tablespoon and 1 teaspoon of sugar together with the pecans. Continue stirring gently until sugar has melted and caramelized the pecans. Carefully transfer nuts onto waxed paper. Allow to cool, and break into pieces.

2. For the dressing, blend oil, vinegar,1/2 teaspoon sugar, mustard, chopped garlic, salt, and pepper.

3. In a large serving bowl, layer lettuce, pears, blue cheese, avocado, and green onions. Pour dressing over salad, sprinkle with pecans, and serve.


Chocolate Pots de Creme with Candied Rose Petals

Serves 2

Pots de Creme:
2/3 (5 fl oz/160 ml) heavy double cream
2 oz (60 g) bittersweet chocolate, grated
2 teaspoons light brown sugar, packed
pinch of salt
2 egg yolks
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract (essence)

Candied Rose Petals:
Unsprayed rose petals
1 egg white, lightly beaten
1/2 cup (4 oz/125 g) superfine (caster) sugar

To make the pots de creme, place the cream, chocolate, sugar and salt in the top of a double boiler and cook until scalding hot. Lightly whisk the egg yolks in a small bowl, then whisk in a bit of the hot chocolate cream to warm them. Gradually stir this mixture back into the cream in the double boiler and cook, stirring, over simmering water until thickened, approximately 10 minutes.

Remove from heat, stir in the vanilla and pour into pot de creme cups or small pudding/custard cups. Let cool uncovered, then chill until cold, about 2 hours or overnight. Remove from refrigerator approximately 30 minutes before serving.

Meanwhile, to make the candied rose petals, gently brush each flower petal with lightly beaten egg white, then sprinkle it with sugar. Place the petals on a cake rack and let dry. Once these delicate petals are dry, use as a garnish for the pots de creme.

Voila!...Set the mood with soft music, a crackling fire place if it is in a winter month, fragrant flowers in the room and simple white flowers on the table, candles, no distractions, and a delicious meal.

Have a lovely evening!

Lingerie Bridal Shower

A Lingerie Bridal Shower is a very innovative and fun party to attend. This shower is a bit of a twist on the traditional bridal shower. The body of the traditional bridal shower is sustained with the exception of the gifts offered to the bride. All gifts must be of an article(s) of lingerie.

Some people may find this to be too risque for their liking. Some may think buying intimates for another person is just that-too intimate. In this case, purchase a gift card and allow the bride to shop for herself behind closed doors.

Lingerie is an extremely important piece to the entire wedding accoutrements. The bride will carefully select a beautiful piece of lingerie that makes her feel sexy and gorgeous. This is the first layer of many carefully selected styles which will be layered until the finished objective; perfection. When the bride walks down the isle to say "I do", she knows all eyes will be on her and she wants her fiance to forever remember how beautiful she is. Of course, once the evening's ceremonies have calmed and the newlyweds are in their hotel suite, then the final reveal is disclosed to her husband. It should be a WOW! moment. Most brides rally and have an exquisite arrangement of white laced lingerie.

So, back to the party. The newlyweds will most likely be off on a 7 to 10 day vacation following their wedding. For the next week or week and a half, the bride will entice her husband with an array of lace, silk, colors, cuts, and trims...all closely clad to her body. This is where the lingerie bridal shower meets this very need.

How to Host a Lingerie Bridal Shower:
First: Assemble a guest list. Set a date for the shower. Select a place to host the shower.

Secondly: Invitations. Select or hand make invitations that suggest romance. You can get very creative! Remember, the invitations seal the fate of your party...If your invitations make the recipient think this is going to be a terrific gathering, then you will invariably have a successful turn out, hence, a great party!!! Once the invites are selected and addressed, send out no sooner than four weeks from the shower date. If everyone is local and it is an intimate gathering, you will be safe sending them out two weeks prior to the date. Make certain to list the bride's measurements on the invite and boutiques or stores of which she has registered for lingerie.

Third: Decor. Soft, romantic music in the background. Bouquets of fresh flowers and lit candles. Perhaps when setting the tables, you could utilize the colors the bride and groom have selected for their wedding decor. Think fresh, soft, and intimate...rather than boudoir, Fredrick's of Hollywood, and bondage. For place settings, think of place cards and party favors. Each plate could have a silk lingerie drawer sachet, a box of chocolates, a box of delicate soaps, etc...

Fourth: Decide on how you would like your party to flow. So many people forget this crucial element in planning a party. They believe if they make the party, they will come and voila...a party is had. Not true. As the hostess, you set the tone. Greet your guests with a warm smile, dressed in something comfortable but smashing. Invite your guests in and direct them to which room you would like them to linger and become acquainted with the other guests. Have someone pouring their beverage of will be busy answering the door and talking with those who have arrived. Have someone assist your guests with coats, purses, and their gifts. Have another person offer trays of small finger food and napkins. This initial mixer should only last until all of your guests have arrived and have had an opportunity to meet and greet each other. Following, invite all of your guests to sit down for lunch. It is usually key to have name cards in front of each place setting. If you have more than one long table, allocate someone who will direct people to their designated table.

Fifth: In planning, decide on the cuisine being served. Lingerie Bridal Showers are usually smaller gatherings of 50 or less people. Lunch is typically served with dessert following. Serve a chicken or a fish, salad, vegetable, wine, iced tea, and iced water with lemons. Dessert can be anything decadent served with choice of coffee or tea.

Sixth: Once the meal has ended, all of your guests should be asked to enter into the room of which shower games and gift opening will take place. Have a few people on staff to clear the tables, wash the dishes, and put away all of the left over food.

Seventh: The games. Many of us cringe when introduced to playing shower games. Uuuggh. I am going to offer a few which could inspire you to create your own. Lingerie shower games do not have anything to do with making meals and learning how to be the best Stepford wife. Lingerie party games have much to do about romance and love. Offer prizes for those who win the games. These prizes could be anything from lingerie gift cards to wine and chocolates. Stay within the theme of your party.

Also...during the game and gift opening phase of your party, plan to have someone refill coffees, waters, etc...Have someone walk about with a tray of decadent chocolates or strawberries dipped in chocolate.

While people are seated, a journal can be passed around the room for each person to enter some worldly advice for the bride. Enter your favorite memory of knowing her and some hope for her future, some lesson taught to you by a respected elder, whatever you feel might assist in moments needing reflection. You may also wish to address "How to be romantic"...each person offers their idea of what being romantic truly is. Could be funny. It is a nice memento of the occasion.

Game One: How well do you know each other.
The maid of honor phones the Groom prior to the shower asking him a list of 10 questions i.e., Who was his first kiss?, Where did he go to high school?, What did he major in at college?, What is his favorite color?, What is his favorite hobby?, etc..During the shower, each guest and the Bride has an opportunity to answer the questions and whomever answers the most correctly wins a prize. While on the phone with the Groom, ask him to reciprocate responses to the same questions, this time for the Bride. At the end of the game, it is fun to reveal how well the Groom knows the Bride. Ask the bride the question, receive her answer and then reveal his response while at the party.

Game Two: How well do you know the Bride and Groom?
A list of 10 questions will be handed out to each guest. The questions, much like the ones above, will query where the couple met, where did they go on their first date, how long have they been engaged, where do they want to live, do they want children, if so how many, where are they going on their honeymoon, what do they do for a living, etc..And clearly, the one with the most accurate questions answered wins the game.

Game Three: Love Songs
Guests have 3 minutes to write down songs with love in the title or lyrics that contain love in the lines. Whomever has the most at the end of three minutes, wins a prize.

Game Four: Teddy in a box
This is a version of hot potato that has been around for a while. All of your guests begin by passing around a wrapped box. They have all been informed that if they are left holding the box once the music has stopped, they are required to wear the contents of the box. Most people become frantic and quickly pass the box onto the adjacent guest. The one who is left with the box, timidly unwraps to unveil either A. a teddy bear of which they keep or B. a corsage of which they wear.

Game Five: The Best Proposal
Each guests takes a few minutes to descriptively write their best proposal idea; how they wish to be proposed to or how they wish they had been proposed to. The maid-of-honor reads each out loud and everyone applauds for the best or writes the name of who offered the best and most creative wedding proposal. The winner, wins a prize.

Eighth: Lastly, the opening of the gifts. The maid-of-honor writes down who gave what. One clever idea that I had read was the maid-of-honor had passed out envelopes to each person while seated during the "opening of the presents" phase of the party. Each person self addressed the envelopes. The maid-of-honor collected the self-addressed envelopes and fanned them out in front of the Bride. The Bride selected one while her eyes were closed. The selected envelope takes home the centerpiece or some other type of prize. This is great since all of the "thank yous" are now addressed and ready to for sending. All the bride needs now do is to write her letter thanking the guest for their lovely and thoughtful gift and how fortunate she is to have them in her life.

The party ends with all of the gifts having been unwrapped, a polite thank you to each guest for coming and for their gift. A mention of how excited all people are to see each other again at the wedding. Voila! You have successfully thrown a fun, delicious, memorable Lingerie Bridal Shower...and the Bride...well, she will be elated to have a trousseau of fabulous lingerie while away on her honeymoon.


Saturday, May 1, 2010

Couples Wedding Shower

With Wedding Season only a couple of months away, I thought it pertinent to share some concepts and recipes for a Couples Wedding Shower.

Since we are an ever changing dynamic race, we are entitled to evolve our traditions as well..perhaps some would prefer the word modify. Regardless, today, many people enjoy the concept of a couples wedding shower rather than the traditional dainty sandwiches, chardonnay or iced tea beverages, coupled with polite laughter and a few silly games. Now, for a spin, we throw in mixed couples, a carving station, beefy drinks, and an evening or late afternoon with stories and stomach aching laughter.

Why would a couples party differ so differently than that of a traditional bridal shower?....THE ATTITUDE!

Many times people refer to couples showers as "Jack and Jill" or "Stag and Doe" parties. These parties can run the gamut. Ideally, a true couples party is an all out shin dig. The party is at a specific venue of which dancing, DJ or live entertainment, bar, hors d'oeuvres, a raffle and prizes, and perhaps a theme complimenting something special about the couple, i.e., their honeymoon destination, their passion of horses or interests fishing, skiing, swimming, scuba diving, etc...Being creative and original is what seals the fate of a party.

I am going to plan a hypothetical Couples Party. The couple is honeymooning in Australia. Our theme for the couples party is Australia and all things related to Australia.

The bride and groom have decided they would like to invite 50 couples. This guest list is comprised of everyone who is invited to their wedding be it they are married, dating, or single. If single, the invitation should read person's name and guest.

Decide on your budget and solicit those individuals from the bridal party who will be willing and able to participate in the "couples party". Ask close relatives for their participation.

In this scenario, we decided that we had a monetary budget of $1000.00 out of pocket. Now, let's see how much we really need to execute a couples party for 100 people plus bride and groom.

Our Theme is Australia:
Aussie beer i.e., Foster's Lager, Hahn, Crown, Victoria Bitter, Cascade, and Carlton to name a few.
Aussie wines i.e., Penfolds, Howling Wolves Cabernet Merlot, De Bortoli Rococo Rosé, Tim Adams Cabernet Sauvignon to name a few.
Bottled Water
Soda Drinks
Sparkling Water
Lots and Lots of ICE

To encapsulate all of Australia, we decided to break it up into regions. New South Wales is known for its rock oysters. Victoria is known for the Malle squab and Gippsland beef. South Australia is known for olive oil, cultivated native food, tuna, and Coffin Bay scallops. Tasmania is known for Salmon, cheeses, raspberries, and King Island cream. Queensland is known for mangoes, papaya, and mudcrabs. Lastly, the Northern Territory is known for Barramundi fish and crocodile. Of course, these regions offer more than the above suggested. I simply extracted what I thought would be a well rounded offering and could easily provide enough variation for appetizers and/or buffet.

Meat Balls with tomato sauce
To Serve 100 people
Mix with ground 10 lbs beef:
1 cups salt
3/4 cup each of garlic salt and celery salt
1/4 cup each black pepper, onion powder and paprika
10 teaspoon each dill, sage and rosemary
1 cup olive oil

Roll meat into balls with all of the seasonings and simmer in olive oil until brown. Once browned, turn meatballs into warming tray with tomato mixture poured over top. Serve with warmed and sliced buns. A great and filling finger food.

Tomato Sauce
20 cups Diced tomatoes
5 cups Diced onions
2 cups fresh parsley chopped
1/4 cup garlic minced
Salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup sugar
2 cups extra virgin olive oil

Simmer onion and garlic add tomatoes, parsley, sugar, salt and pepper, and olive oil. Simmer for all juices to mix and serve warm with meatballs.

Grilled Barramundi or Swai Fish Aussi Style
Multiply all ingredients by 17 in order to serve 100 people.

Recipe by: Student chef Kristie Kilgore, Nashua High School North Culinary School and winner of ACF New Hampshire’s Iron Chef

6 6-8 oz. filet of Australis Barramundi, skin left on (optional)
Caribbean jerk rub
6 ears of corn
2 bunches of fresh asparagus
1 fresh lime, wedged for garnish
Salt and pepper to taste
½ c. canola oil
Kiwi Salsa, recipe follows

Prepare Kiwi Salsa and refrigerate until serving. Recipe follows.

Preheat oven to 350°. Sprinkle barramundi filets with Caribbean jerk rub, so lightly coated and place aside. Wash and remove bottom inch of asparagus, coat with ¼ cup of oil and salt and pepper to taste. Place aside. Coat corn with remaining oil and place on grill turning every couple of minutes until lightly browned. Once cooled, remove corn off cob and place on sheet pan. Place in oven for 15 minutes. Spray grill generously with pan spray, so fish does not stick. Place filets skin side down on grill for 5-6 minutes. Flip the filets over and grill an additional 5-6 minutes. Remove and place in a warm place. Making sure the grill is clean, spray once again with pan spray and place asparagus on grill turning every couple of minutes for 6-8 minutes.

To plate, place about ¼ cup of the roasted corn in the center of the serving plate. Place one filet of barramundi on top of the corn. Lay 5-6 asparagus spears on the side of the barramundi. Top the Barramundi with two tablespoons of kiwi salsa and a lime wedge for garnish.

Kiwi Salsa:
Two ripe kiwi’s, peeled and diced
½ medium red onion, diced
¼ red bell pepper, finely diced
½ mango, diced
½ papaya diced
½ avocado diced
Fresh Cilantro
½ fresh lime juice
1 tbsp Honey

Combine the first six ingredients in a medium bowl folding them together. Add about two teaspoons of freshly chopped cilantro. Squeeze a ½ fresh lime into the salsa and add honey; fold ingredients together. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.

Crocodile with Mango and Basil Sauce

300gm crocodile tail or body fillet, cut into thin slices
30gm peanut oil
20gm basil leaves
20gm parsley
5gm chopped garlic
20ml white wine vinegar
200ml olive oil
1 mango, stone removed
Salt and pepper

Heat peanut oil in a frying pan, saute seasoned crocodile pieces for about 3 minutes then set aside and keep warm.
Blend basil, garlic, parsley, vinegar and olive oil in a food processor until smooth
Slice mango thinly and arrange on a plate. Place crocodile slices in the centre, drizzle basil sauce around the plate and garnish with fresh herbs.

Sweet Chili and marinated prawn skewers


½kg tiger prawns
½kg Japanese scallops
200mls sweet chilli sauce
1 packet of 15cm skewers

Basil pesto
1 bunch basil
1 tablespoon garlic
50g toasted pinenuts
50g grated parmesan
100ml olive oil

Risotto cakes
170g aborio rice
25g butter
1 small onion finely diced
1 tablespoon olive oil
3 cups chicken or fish stock

Mango dressing
1 mango pureed
1 tablespoon Dijoin mustard
1 tablespoon coriander, chopped
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

2 ruby grape fruits, segmented
View conversion table
Marinate prawns and scallops in sweet chilli sauce. Thread skewers with prawns and scallops (in total there should be 2 of each type of seafood on skewer). Let the skewers stand in the refrigerator.

For the basil pesto, wash and dry basil. Place pinenuts in blender and process until grainy. Add the remainder of the ingredients and blend until combined. Add salt and pepper, to taste.

To make mango dressing, add all of the above ingredients to a bowl and mix well.

To prepare the risotto cakes, pour stock in saucepan, reduce heat and simmer. Place a heavy-base saucepan over a medium heat. Add oil, onion, salt and butter. Stir onion until translucent. Add rice and stir for 1-2 minutes until rice is cooked. Add 1 cup of stock and stir consistently, making sure that each addition of stock is absorbed before the next one. Add the remainder of stock and cook rice until al dente. Sit for 5 minutes. Add basil pesto and stir through.

Once cooled, make risotto balls which will then be turned into cakes (approximately 50g risotto per ball). Flatten the risotto balls (approximately 1½cm in height and 4cm circumference). Rest in refrigerator.

Heat pan to medium heat, place seafood skewers, ensuring they are cooked to golden brown on each side.

In a separate pan, on a medium heat add oil and pan-fry the risotto cakes. In a zig-zag formation, using a squeezy bottle, squeeze mango dressing on a plate.

In a star formation lay out ruby grape fruit on a plate. There should be approximately 5 segments per place with coriander leaves placed in between. Lay risotto cakes in the centre of the plate, 2 cakes per plate. Lay the seafood skewers cris-crossed on top of the risotto cakes, 2-3 skewers per plate.

Serve a very large leafy green salad with diced mango, avocado, and vinaigrette dressing.

King Island Cream with fresh raspberries.

Now that we have completed the culinary portion of our event, we can continue with music, venue, door prizes, and raffle tickets.

Considering we have a budget of only $1000.00 to lay as our financial foundation, we will need to solicit our guests with raffle tickets. We will sell our tickets for $5.00/each with a minumim purchase of 4 raffle tickets. We will anticipate raising $2000.00 for the event with a grand total of $3000.00 for the couples shower.

We will buy our raffle tickets at the local party supply store. We only need 400 tickets. You will want to purchase the double ticket rolls; your guest keeps one part of the ticket while the other goes into the raffle drum.

Raffle Prizes:
This is a committee endeavor. Please ask for a few individuals who are well connected and savvy to take on this part of the party planning. Raffle prizes can consist of anything that local business owners would love to donate. Business owners can write these donations off as a tax deduction and it enables them to promote their business to a focus group of which they normally wouldn't have reached. Wine, beer, dinner or lunch vouchers, floral bouquets, dry cleaning, round of golf, massage, movie tickets, tailoring voucher, ice cream, car detail, car wash, tire rotation, tire alignment, wine tasting party, etc...
Just remember, whatever the raffle prize, it must exceed the value of the raffle ticket purchased.

Preferably for this type of an affair, someone will have a club house of which can be rented. Most neighborhood clubhouses accommodate anywhere between 75 to 100 people and are very affordable to rent out. If not, outdoors is nice, but you worry about weather and may have to consider tent rental. Also, if having it at the house, if space is an issue, you can lease a party hall. These locations usually lease for $125 and up an hour with a minimum of 3 hours. The plan is to find the best space for the best price. A few phone calls and some innovation will complete this task.

For an inexpensive gathering, hire a DJ. They average around $500.00 plus tip for the evening. This usually entails 4 hours of dancing fun.

Now for the Invitations:
Invitations set the mood for your party. Be creative and have fun designing the invites. Clearly state couples party, the date, time, place, and RSVP. To assist with your guests gift buying needs, list the places as to where the bride and groom are registered. Remember, the couples party, Jack and Jill, or Stag and Doe party are in lieu of a traditional bridal shower; most definitely bring a gift for the bride and groom. Whatever you choose to spend on your gift is your discretion. Most gifts range from $25.00 to $75.00. For the host/hostess of this party, it is customary to provide a gift despite throwing the party. In this instance, join the bridesmaids and groomsmen in a joint gift.

Lastly, have a gift-opening plan.
Create a gift-opening assembly line. One person should bring the couple a gift to open (and take the already opened gift to a designated spot); another can dispose of the torn paper; someone can gather ribbons to create the traditional rehearsal bridal bouquet; and most important, one bridesmaid tracks who gave what gift so the couple does not have to rely on their memory when writing thank-yous.

Have fun celebrating the union of a dear friend and their future spouse. May they have a long and happy marriage with great support and positive reinforcement during the difficult times.


Toasts for Weddings

"Health and happiness" and "May all your troubles be little ones" are the most common wedding toasts. They have become cliche. Some options:

A Second Marriage: To the triumph of hope over experience.
-Samuel Johnson,1770

A toast to love and laughter and happily ever after.

A toast to the groom-and discretion to his bachelor friends.

Down the hatch, to a striking match!

Drink, my buddies, drink with discerning,
Wedlock's a lane where there is no turning;
Never was owl more blind than lover;
Drink and be merry, lads; and think it over.
-Bachelor party toast

Grow old with me!
The best is yet to be,
The last of life,
For which, the first is made.
-Robert Browning

Here's to my mother-in-law's daughter,
Here's to her father-in-law's son;
And here's to the vows we've just taken,
And the life we've just begun.

Here's to the bride and mother-in-law,
Here's to the groom and father-in law,
Here's to sister and brother-in-law,
Here's to friends and friends-in-law,
May none of them need an attorney-at-law.

Here's to thee and thy folks from me and my folks;
And if thee and they folks love me and my folks
As much as me and my folks love thee and thy folks,
Then there never was folks since folks was folks
Loved me and my folks as much as thee and thy folks.

Here's to the Bride and the Groom!
May you have a happy honeymoon,
May you lead a happy life,
May you have a bunch of money soon,
And live without all strife.

Here's to the bride that is to be,
Here's to the groom she'll wed,
May all their troubles be light as bubbles
Or the feathers that make up their bed!

Here's to the groom with bride so fair,
And here's to the bride with groom so rare!

Here's to the happy man: All the world loves a lover.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Here's to the husband-and here's to the wife;
May they remain lovers for life.

I drink to myself and one other,
And may that one other be he
Who drinks to himself and one other,
and may that one other be me.

It is written:
"When children find true love,
parents find true joy."
Here's to your joy and ours,
from this day forward
-Parents' toast

Let us toast the health of the bride;
Let us toast the health of the groom,
Let us toast the person that tied;
Let us toast every guest in the room.

Look down you gods,
And on this couple drop a blessed crown.

Love, be true to her; Life, be dear to her;
Health, stay close to her; Joy, draw near to her;
Fortune, find what you can do for her,
Search your treasure-house through and through for her,
Follow her footsteps the wide world over-
And keep her husband always her lover.
-Anna LEWIS, "To the Bride"

Marriage: A community consisting of a master, a mistress, and two slaves-making in all, two.
-Ambrose Bierce

Marriage has teeth, and him bit very hot.
--Jamaican proverb

Marriage is a wonderful institution, but who wants to live in an institution.
-Groucho Marx

May their joys be as bright as the morning, and their sorrows but shadows that fade in the sunlight of love.

May their joys be as deep as the ocean
And their misfortunes as light as the foam.

May we all live to be present at their Golden Wedding.

May you grow old on one pillow.

May you have many children
and may they grow as mature in taste
and healthy in color
and as sought after
as the contents of this glass.

May you live forever, may I never die.

May your love be as endless as your wedding rings.

May your wedding days be few and your anniversaries many.

May you have enough happiness to keep you sweet; enough trials to keep you strong; enough sorrow to keep you human; enough hope to keep you happy; enough failure to keep you humble; enough success to keep you eager; enough friends to give you comfort; enough faith and courage in yourself, your business, and your country to banish depression; enough wealth to meet your needs; enough determination to make each day a better day than yesterday.

Needles and pins, needles and pins
When a man marries his trouble begins.

Never above you. Never below you. Always beside you.
-Walter Winchell

The greatest of all arts is the art of living together.
-William Lyon Phelps

There is nothing nobler or more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep house as man and wife, confounding their enemies and delighting their friends.
-Homer, Odyssey,ninth century B.C.

These two, now standing hand in hand,
Remind us of our native land,
For when today they linked their fates,
They entered the United States.

To my wife,
My bride and joy.

To the newly weds: May "for better or worse" be far better than worse.

You don't marry one person; you marry three-the person you think they are, the person they are, and the person they are going to become as the result of being married to you.
-Richard Needham, You and All the Rest,
edited by Jean Shagbaum
(M. Sutkiewicz, Toronto) quoted in
Reader's Digest, December 1983

You only get married for the second time once.
-Garrison KEILLOR,
quoted in Forbes, November 2, 1987

Wedlock's like wine-not properly judged of till the second glass.
-Ernest Jarrold

Wedding Toast: Best Man Toast to Bride

I rise to offer a toast to the Bride
. May this day be the beginning of a new chapter in a love story that will endure forever, and bring joy and happiness to her and her new husband.
May she always remember and honor the vows she made today and let them be the strong foundation on which their life together will be built.

Wedding Toast: Best Man Toast to Groom

Here is to my friend. Today I had the honor to stand beside him on this most important day, as he has so often stood by me in good times and bad. I wish him and his lovely bride nothing but happiness, prosperity, and good health for as long as they shall live.

Wedding Toast: Best Man Toast Wedding Guests

I propose a toast to the guests who have honored the lucky couple with their presence today. I know that is the love and support of their families and friends that enabled them to make the journey that came to such a happy ending. I pray all of you will always continue to love and support them in the coming years. May God bless everyone of you always.

Wedding Toast: Maid of Honor Toast to Bride

(Bride), we have shared so much our lives with each other. I am so honored to be sharing this day with you. Starting today, you will begin to share a life with (groom), but remember that I will always be here for you and always ready to stand up by your side. Here’s to our everlasting friendship!

Wedding Toast: Maid of Honor Toast to Couple

It can be hard to share your best friend with someone else, but I have been thrilled to share (Bride) with (Groom.) The love you show to each other is inspiring and beautiful and I look forward to seeing it continue to grow. I am honored to be able to raise a toast to my wonderful best friend and her new husband. To (Bride) and (Groom)!

Wedding Toast: Maid of Honor Toast to Groom

To (Groom), who through his love has shown me a different side of (Bride.) He has made her happier than I have ever seen her, and I can’t wait to witness how your love continues to help her grow. I am so happy that she has you in her life. To (Groom)!

Wedding Toast: Father of the Bride Wedding Toast to Bride

I raise my glass and toast my daughter and the man she has chosen to be her life companion. A fathers sometimes doubts this day will ever come, and sometimes he fears it. My daughter is a princess to me, and will always be my little girl. May happiness and joy be with her always.

Classic Wedding Toasts to the Happy Couple

Let us toast the health of the bride;
Let us toast the health of the groom,
Let us toast the person that tied;
Let us toast every guest in the room.

May their joys be as deep as the ocean.

May the saints protect you
And sorrow neglect you
And bad luck to the one
That doesn't respect you

May we all live to be present at their Golden Wedding.
May your love be as endless as your wedding rings.

May your wedding days be few and your anniversaries

Here's to the groom with bride so fair,
And here's to the bride with groom so rare!

May your voyage through life be as happy and as free
As the dancing waves on the deep blue sea

May your wedding days be few and your anniversaries many.

May thy life be long and happy,
Thy cares and sorrows few;
And the many friends around thee
Prove faithful, fond and true.

Weddings are full of activity...we all know how intricately planned a wedding must be in order for all of the guests to enjoy themselves and for the couple marrying to reflect on their big day with nostalgia and enthusiasm. Toasts are a very important part of this process of "getting married"...take your time, write your own, jot down one from this list, but practice practice practice!


Toasts Continued

After some frustrating errors...most of my work from the 4th of July on throughout the year had been lost.

I would love to continue with holiday toasts:

Memorial Day...a day for remembering
May the sunshine of comfort
dispel the clouds of despair.

May you find
Rainbows after every storm,
May you remember the laughter
Smiles in the tears

Oh, here's to other meetings,
And merry greetings then;
And here's to those we've drunk with,
But never can again.
Leaving Indelible Imprints
I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death.
They continue to participate in every act, thought and decision we make.
Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories.
We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love.
-Leo Buscaglia

When you are sorrowful look again in your heart,
and you shall see that in truth
you are weeping for that which has been your delight.
-Kahlil Gibran

Always remember to forget
The things that made you sad.
But never forget to remember
The things that made you glad.

4th of July
The Day we Celebrate—The American Jubilee. The thunders of our Artillery and the peeling of Bells have announced its return. We hail its anniversary with demonstrations of joy.

The Union of the States—May it never be broken by despotic power, nor aspiring demagogues.

The Constitution of the United States—A wall impervious to Factious Demagogues. The American people will never suffer it to be rent for the sake of being patched by political Tailors.

The signers of the Declaration of our Independence—The last is gone, but the memory of the whole still lives in the hearts and affections of their countrymen.

The Memory of Washington—The Father of his Country—it will be cherished by the last son of Liberty wherever found.

The Death of Lafayette—The friends of liberty feel, but no tongue can express their grief.

The President of the United States.

The Governor of this Commonwealth.

The Surviving Soldiers of the Revolution—May they die as they have lived, true friends to their country.

Agriculture, Commerce and Manufactures—The three great Pillars of National Prosperity—May the fostering hand of Government be equally extended to all.

Commonwealth of Massachusetts—The “Old Cradle of Liberty”—May her sons never degenerate from the Patriotism of their Fathers.

Public Schools—Nurseries of virtue and intelligence,—may they be extensively planted and judiciously cultivated, that their fruits may sustain National Independence.

The Fair Daughters of Creation—The nation is free, where they wield their charms for liberty and the rights of men.


Farmer’s Gazette, [A weekly newspaper published in Barre, Mass.] July 11, 1834, Barre Public Library, Barre, Massachusetts. Edited by Old Sturbridge Village.

Halloween Toasts

There once was a big white pale ghost
Who loved to haunt the California coast
He liked to make the children scream and run
Across the sand in the broiling hot sun
Until, one day, he forgot to wear his sunblock and he turned to toast

Happy Halloween!

Here’s to the Witches,
Here’s to their cats,
Here’s to the hoot owls
And Whirring bats;
Here’s to the ghosties,
In robes of white,
Here’s to the thrills of
Hallowe’en night.

A toast to Hallowe’en!
It comes but once a year,
But it brings joys a-plenty
The one night that it’s here.
Murders, lovers, witches, ghosts,
Appearing from the past;
Here’s a toast to Hallowe’en,
And may its revels last!

Here’s a greeting to the ghost sad,
A greeting to the goblin hosts bad,
And let them merry be!
May witches, fays and grinning cats,
Owls and sprites and sable bats,
Have good cheer on Hallowe’en,
And add enchantment to the scene,
With revels wild and free.

[All three above are from Hallowe'en Merry Makers 1930]

Thanksgiving Toasts

Here's to the great American bird,
Who has fettered our heart with his cable,
'Till no Thanksgiving can seem complete
Without the turkey on the table

Here's to the venturesome Puritans,
Of valiant Mayflower stock;
And here's to the good old boat that anchored
Somewhere off Plymouth Rock.

Then here's a health to all of you
Who're glad that you're a-living,
And may you see much cause for which
To celebrate Thanksgiving.

Save Room

As meals go, Thanksgiving dinner
Is always a feast--a five star winner.
Here comes the salad, dressed just right,
The golden brown turkey--a savory delight;

The stuffing now, and then the gravy,
The Jello mold, all wiggly and wavy.
Take some cranberry sauce and candied yams;
Is there room for fresh made rolls and jams?

More dishes tempt me; ah, but I
Must save some room for pumpkin pie!

By Joanna Fuchs

Christmas Toasts
A Christmas wish-
May you never forget
what is worth remembering
or remember
what is best forgotten.

At Christmas play and make good cheer
For Christmas comes but once a year.
-Thomas Tusser

"Heap on more wood!-the wind is chill
But let it whistle as it will,
We'll keep our Christmas merry still."
-Sir Walter Scott

Here's to us all!
God bless us every one!
-Tiny Tim's toast,
from A Christmas Carol by
Charles Dickens

Here's wishing you more happiness
Than all my words can tell,
Not just alone for Christmas
But for all the year as well.

Holly and ivy hanging up
And something wet in every cup.

May you be as contented as Christmas finds you all the year round.

May you be poor in misfortune this Christmas
and rich in blessings
slow to make enemies
quick to make friends
and rich or poor, slow or quick,
as happy as the New Year is long.

May your sheep all have lambs but not on Christmas night.

'Twas the month after Christmas,
And Santa had flit;
Came there tidings for father
Which read: "Please remit!"

These are but a few toasts for holidays celebrated throughout our year! Raise a glass, rejoice in friends and your fortunate ability to express your gratitude for having them in your life.
